Wednesday 14 August 2013

Life is a Blessing

The pain in this world makes me crazy
He died, she died, we all died..
He cried, I cried, she lied, he lied,he tried, she tried, I failed , you failed, he rose, he bailed, he flew, he sailed..
She swam, he drowned, I smiled, you frowned..
I succeeded, she an an angel gave me the tools I needed , Him a God I found,music with another form of sound, Brendon a best friend, was lost after a friendship of greatness was found..
I see the the pain beneath ones eyes, but only some hear the cries, why say hello , when after there's so many goodbyes..
Why be born, when your death is what some will mourn.
Is this negativity, or reality?? Time to face the music.. Time to take the tools given, time to use it..
I guess I better live now , because I know I'm gonna die.. I better smile because anytime soon I can cry..
Time to let go of yesterday, Goodbye

Good morning, no more yawning..if your in my life today, I'm thankful you've chosen to stay, if your leaving soon that's okay, life is a gift time to play..
Repetition.. Fact, Fiction,never in my life again will I allow contradiction, live every moment as if its my last, 5 seconds ago is the past..
This moment ill make last..
Work on me, better me, day by day, step by step, no space for regret, iv paid my debt, brainwash me, help me forget.
I just forgot, forgot you not,just that that's meant to be forgotten.
Lifes to short....
Depression, sadness, regret..